Saturday 27 April 2019

Mallorca Day 7

We left Gerry and Chris to explore Cala de Sant Vicens whilst Lyn and I set off in the van for Ariany. Our usual parking spot was taking but we soon found a place to stop. Our planned route was to take the tracks to Petra and then head out towards Artà on the Ma 3330 before turning off to drop down into the Bosch valley. After around 4 miles we joined a section of the previous days route but instead of turning off towards Artà we continued straight to Sant Llorenç des Cardassar. On entering the town a new section of road provided evidence of the recent flooding.
Fortunately the bakery Ca N'amer has not been affected and we ordered whole meal chicken pie with peas , an onion pie and a coffee each. After another coffee we were ready to set off. Rather than take the old railway line towards Manacor we opted for the quiet roads. We turned too soon when trying to cut the corner do had to retrace our steps and took the next track. We had planned to take the minor road out of Manacor and join the Ma 5110 towards Petra but we we delayed finding the correct turning. We had gone wrong in 2018 and did not want to repeat the mistake. Being chased by a small dog further delayed us so we opted to save some time and take the bike path alongside the motorway instead. We turn off after about 4 miles towards Petra on the Ma 3310. Yesterday's wind had subsided but the heat was an additional challenge. Lyn was pleased when the road finally got into the town. After a biscuit by the church we were ready to retrace our steps back to Ariany. Around trip of 41 miles.

We decided to try and driving thought the centre of Muro rather than following the extended sign posted route. This was a mistake at the streets were narrow with cars parked both sides and Robert had to stop to check the van was shorter than the height restriction at one point.

We stopped in Sa Pobla for shopping as Friday night was going to be steak night. We arrived back at the apartment just after 6:00 and had another excellent meal.


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